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How to implement dynamic content on your website? Before you start personalizing your content, read this article to develop a strategy that will help both organize and evaluate the process.
In the previous post, we explained what dynamic content is. You already know how it can translate into the effectiveness of your website and help generate conversions. Why? Because it allows you to create content corresponding with the interests and purchasing needs of a specific user or a group of users. In this entry, we will consider how to prepare for implementing this solution. Before you start personalizing the content on your website, it would be good to develop a strategy that will help both to organize and evaluate the process.
When you personalize your website content, you can take advantage of several different conditions. There are certain limitations regarding the tools you use (we will describe the most popular ones in the next post) and the accuracy of the information on leads in the CRM. In order not to get lost in the multitude of options, take a look at a few strategies you can choose from when setting the criteria for personalizing the website. If you decide to combine all of the approachesdescribed below, you will likely see the best result – the more precise data you use to create dynamic content, the better the effect will be. However, let’s not anticipate the facts – learn about the possible directions, which will help your team keep it all together and under control.
Brand personas should be the motivation to create content (including the static one) for the website. However, it is worth noting that the company rarely addresses its message to one type of recipient only. In the case of B2B companies, it is very often both potential customers as well as employees, distributors and end-users. Dynamic content will help you reach each persona with your message, so you don’t have to create two separate versions or dedicated landing pages.
Let’s further analyze a client/employee example. Thanks to the content adaptation, personalizing the website is not limited to the “offer” (dedicated for a client) and “career” (dedicated for an employee) tabs only, which is a standard solution in many companies. You can begin the personalization process as early as on the home level – adjust the message to a specific persona and guide them through the selected conversion path – to a quote or an application form. Are you wondering how to distinguish such users and how to use the obtained information? These are exemplary rules you can apply:
Are you looking for clients and employees in different countries? Thanks to the data on the location or the browser language, users from country X can display a different version of the website than those from country Y. Direct potential customers’ attention to the company’s offer and encourage employees to submit a job application. What’s more, using the above-mentioned conditions, you can provide the customer with references to local employees in a “contact” tab/section, and thereby shorten their distance to the brand. And as for the employee, you can share contact to your HR specialist. 😉
Do you have online business cards or company profiles on various industry portals, such as Clutch or Behance? It is worth using these sources of traffic as another condition and adjust the website to the users coming from there. If Clutch is a potential lead source to your business, continue the portal’s narration on your website. Present users with the content focused on web development – lead them to the right case study and then to the subpage with the offer. In turn, if it’s Behance or Dribbble that supplies your team with talented designers, use these sources of traffic as a condition for adapting content to a potential employee persona.
There are many possibilities when it comes to using data from CRM to personalize the website’s appearance. However, try not to overwhelm the users. In most cases, they don’t have a problem with personalization itself, as long as the copy supports their purchasing decisions. Yet remember that the line is pretty thin here and nobody likes to feel ‘stalked’.
More than half of consumers (57%) are okay with providing personal information (on a website) as long as it’s for their benefit and being used in responsible ways.
The name, surname, age, city, country, phone number, email address, company size, job position, annual company income… You can acquire different information on the user, depending on the complexity of the form you collect leads through. These data can, in turn, condition the content adaptation. The tool itself is also very important. For example, in Hubspot CRM, in addition to the data from the form, you will also see the information about users’ activity on the website – visited pages and landing pages, clicked CTA buttons, downloaded files, etc. Dynamic content, built on such information can, therefore, be very accurate. Make the most of it!
By taking the activity of users on your website as a condition for changes, you can, for example, divide them into groups of the best customers, promising leads or users who are just getting to know your company, and then:
You can create an exclusive content for best customers, who meet a certain X condition (e.g. deals per year). The latest report, a free webinar or a consultation with your specialist will make them feel taken care of and thus encouraged to continue using the company’s services.
With information on a lead in CRM, you can determine its place on the shopping path. This is of great value because at each stage of the process the user needs different information to make a purchase decision. And so the dynamic content will allow you to select other CTAs for users who are just getting to know your product (e.g. Discover our solutions), who visited the site for the first time and those who are only one step away from the purchase (e.g. Use the 7-day trial version) and have interacted with the site several times.
With information on your contact’s industry or function, you can present them with a selection of reviews of customers who have already used your services. When selecting recommendations, pay attention to the similarity of companies, markets and the implemented/sought solution, so that they match customer’s industry and expectations as much as possible. The more the user relates to them, the more they will influence his further decisions. In the case of the B2B website, place customers’ recommendations under case studies, offer pages or valuation forms, i.e. wherever the social proof can work.
Paid activities are another area where dynamic content can significantly increase the effectiveness of your team’s sales efforts. Of course, in the case of advertising, you can also solve personalizing the message by creating several dedicated landing pages. However, using dynamic content will be less complicated and time-consuming, and that already sounds like profit. How to adapt content for advertising purposes? You can use, among others:
Dynamic content (you can also use Google Optimize) is a great solution if you want to test the effectiveness of different versions of the site. Depending on the link placed in the ad, the recipient will see different versions of the site after clicking. By choosing the most effective variant, you can accumulate an advertising budget on it and make even more out of the campaign. What elements require thorough testing while differentiating the website for campaign purposes? Headers, graphics, CTA buttons, forms – take care of everything that matters in leading the user to the target.
Do you advertise in a search engine? Adapt the website according to the phrases entered by the user. In practice, it means for example, that the header on the homepage can take the form of a Google search term. It’s a good strategy to reduce your bounce rate. The user receives exactly the information they were looking for and additionally confirms that the brand offers what they need now. In turn, your specialists have a great tool to assess the performance of keywords that the company can position itself on.
As you can see, the possibilities offered by implementing dynamic content on the website are numerous and it’s difficult to describe them all in this post. However, it is important to choose the right strategy from the very beginning and not to get lost in the multitude of available options. If you have more questions or you see the potential of these solutions, let us know. Together we will consider how best to approach the topic.
Meanwhile, follow our social media. We prepared for you another post about the possibilities of selected WordPress tools and plugins that enable the implementation of dynamic content.
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